Clinical Sciences

Clinical Sciences

The Clinical Sciences program begins in the 3rd year of the doctor of medicine program. Students who successfully complete the preclinical program will matriculate into the clinical sciences program.

Core Clerkship – Yr 3
Clinical Clerkship proceeds the 6 trimesters of preclinical sciences and 2 weeks clinical foundation program. The core clinical clerkship courses are done during the third year of the doctor of medicine program. Core clerkship is divided into two 26 weeks sections. The Core Clerkship I (CC I) courses are Medical Center-based while Core Clerkships II (CC II) are either Medical Center-based or Community Health Center-based.

CC I Medical Center-Based clinical clerkships: 26 weeks

  • 8 weeks – Medicine
  • 4 weeks – Emergency Medicine
  • 4 weeks – Surgery
  • 4 weeks – Pediatrics
  • 4 weeks – Family Medicine
  • 2 weeks – Neurology

Department Contact Info

Academic Office
- Guyana

CC II Medical Center-based or Community-based Clerkships: 26 weeks

  • 2 weeks primary care – Internal Medicine
  • 2 weeks primary care – Family medicine
  • 6 weeks – Obstetrics-Gynecology
  • 6 weeks – Psychiatry
  • 4 weeks – Surgery
  • 2 weeks – Pediatrics including adolescent medicine
  • 2 weeks selective: Radiology-imaging, Pathology, Dermatology, other
  • 2 weeks – a concentrated community service project
Total Clerkship weeks: 52 weeks
Total Clerkship Credits: 52 credits
Require Credit hours per week: 40 minimum but must not exceed 80 hours per week
Transfer Students
Transfer students are welcomed to apply. The admissions committee will review applications and assign placement accordingly. Transferring student should know:
  1.  A student must transfer from a comparable Medical Doctorate program; recognized by the World Federation of Medical Schools and/or Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER).
  2.  The transferring program must be taught in English.
  3.  The Admissions Committee makes the final decision on which class students will be placed;
  4. Students are not allowed to transfer into the final year of the MD program. Students must complete at least 60 credit hours at GAU which includes the 52 weeks of core clinical clerkship, to be qualified for graduation;
  5. Students may be required to complete either an NBME Step 1 Comprehensive or NBME Step 2 Comprehensive exam prior to placement into the program
Insurance Coverage (USA)
  • Liability Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Negative two-step PPD Skin Test result within the last 2 years or persons with a positive PPD result must have documentation of a subsequent negative chest x-ray
  • Influenza Immunization: Medical exemption (physician documentation is required) if severe allergic reaction to the influenza vaccine, allergy to eggs, Guillian-Barre syndrome or other medical reason
  • MMR Vaccination History or Titer: 2 doses MMR (measles/mumps/rubella vaccine) or 1 does rubella vaccine, 2 doses rubeola (measles vaccine) and 1 dose mumps vaccine or Immune titer results for measles, mumps and rubella
  • Hepatitis B Immunization or documentation of immunity to Hepatitis B Criminal Background Check
  • 10 panel Drug Screen
  • BLS (Basic Life Support) from the American Heart Association within the last 2 years
  • ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) from the American Heart Association within the last 2 years
  • PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) from the American Heart Association within the last 2 years
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • OSHA Blood Born Pathogen for Healthcare Workers
  • Maxwell Quick Medical Reference
  • Short White Lab Coat
  • Stethoscope
  • Tape Measure
  • Otoscope/Ophthalmoscope
  • Reflex Hammer
  • Tuning Forks (128Hz, 256Hz and 512Hz)
  • Penlight (with replaceable batteries recommended)
  • Blood Pressure Cuffs (Standard and Large Size)
Dr.Isis Anderson
Clinical Sciences Director (USA)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 1 404-348-4891
Location: 1 West Court Square, Suite 750
Decatur, GA 30030, USA

Dr. Onical Higgins
Clinical Sciences Director (GY)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +592 226 1375
Location: 81 Croal St. Georgetown, Guyana
Selective and Elective Clerkship Yr – 4:
The fourth-year comprises the final 10 months of the clinical clerkship period. The first 12 weeks are for required clinical clerkship where a minimum of 6 weeks must be completed in inpatient settings. The remaining period comprises of clinical elective clerkship courses and research.

Required Clinical Clerkship in the fourth year: 4 weeks
Students choose at least 1 of the following 3 clerkships.
  • 4 weeks – Medicine selective
  • 4 weeks – Surgery selective
  • 4 weeks – Chronic Care selective
Elective Clinical Clerkship in the fourth year:
  • 20 weeks – Other electives
  • 8 weeks – Medical/Clinical Research
Total Clerkship weeks: 32 weeks
Total Clerkship Credits: 32 credits
Require Credit hours per week: 40 minimum, but must not exceed 80 hours per week

The final admission process is an interview to evaluate students’ overall qualification for the program

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